Results for 'J. Carreras Artau'

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  1. Rubert Y Candau, J. M.: "el Sentido Último De La Vida".J. Carreras Artau & Staff - 1960 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 19 (72):75.
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  2. Rey Altuna, Luis: "la Inmortalidad Del Alma A La Luz De Los Filósofos".J. Carrera Artau & Staff - 1961 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 20 (76):91.
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  3. J. Carreras Artau, Del epistolario espiritual de Arnoldo `de Vilanova. - La Allocutio super Tetragrammaton de A. de Vil. - A. Maier, Handschriftliches zu A. de Vil. u. Petr. Joh. Olivi. [REVIEW]W. Kutsch - 1952 - Theologie Und Philosophie 27 (3):409.
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  4. Apports hispaniques à la philosophie chrétienne de l'Occident.Joaquín Carreras Y. Artau - 1962 - Louvain,: Publications universitaires de Louvain. Edited by Juan Tusquets Terrats.
    Biographie de Joaquin Carreras y Artau.--Biographie de Mgr Juan Tusquets.--Introduction par J. C. A.--Pierre d'Espagne, Pape Jean XXI, par J. Carreras Artau.--Raymond Lulle, un logicien et encyclopédiste du XIIIe siècle, par J. Carreras Artau.--Louis Vives, philosophe de l'humanisme, par J. Carreras Artau.--François Suárez, sa métaphysique et sa critériologie, par J. Tusquets.--Jaime Balmes, son système philosophique, par J. Tusquets.--Les contemporaíns (Zaragüeta, Zubiri, D'Ors, Muñoz Alonso), par J. Tusquets.
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  5. Balmes y la filosofia de la historia.«.Tomâs Carreras Artau - forthcoming - Pensamiento.
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  6. Nociones de filosofía.Josquin Carreras Artau - 1954 - Barcelona,: Edic. Alma Mater.
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  7. Raymund Lull und der Geist seiner Philosophie.Thomasfil Carreras Y. Artau - forthcoming - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit.
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    Estudios filosóficos.Tomás Carreras Y. Artau - 1966 - Barcelona: Instituto Luis Vives de Filosofía.
    1. Escritos doctrinales -- 2. Escritos histórico-filosóficos.
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    Historia de la filosofía española.Carreras Y. Artau - 1939 - Madrid,: Real academia de ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales. Edited by Joaquín Carreras Y. Artau & Adolfo Bonilla Y. San Martín.
  10. Ioannis Duns Scoti opera omnia.Joaquín Carreras Artau & Staff - 1955 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 14 (53/54):407.
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  11. Introducció a la història del pensament filosòfic a Catalunya i cinc assaigs sobre l'actitud filosòfica.Tomás Carreras Y. Artau - 1931 - Barcelona: Llibreria Catalònia.
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    José Vasconcelos: filosofía de la coordinación.Francisco J. Carreras - 1970 - [Madrid]: Anaya.
  13.  34
    Joaquín Carreras Artau. Algunos recuerdos de una larga amistad.Lluís Pericot I. Garcia - 1964 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 17:9-15.
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    Joaquín Carreras Artau. Algunos recuerdos de una larga amistad.LluísPericot I. Garcia - 1964 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 17:9-15.
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    The Multilinear Extension and the Symmetric Coalition Banzhaf Value.J. M. Alonso-Meijide, F. Carreras & M. G. Fiestras-Janeiro - 2005 - Theory and Decision 59 (2):111-126.
    Alonso-Meijide and Fiestras-Janeiro (2002, Annals of Operations Research 109, 213–227) proposed a modification of the Banzhaf value for games where a coalition structure is given. In this paper we present a method to compute this value by means of the multilinear extension of the game. A real-world numerical example illustrates the application procedure.
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  16. A Serious Videogame as an Additional Therapy Tool for Training Emotional Regulation and Impulsivity Control in Severe Gambling Disorder.Salomé Tárrega, Laia Castro-Carreras, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Roser Granero, Cristina Giner-Bartolomé, Neus Aymamí, Mónica Gómez-Peña, Juan J. Santamaría, Laura Forcano, Trevor Steward, José M. Menchón & Susana Jiménez-Murcia - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  17.  11
    Don Joaquín Carreras Artau. Elogio de un maestro.Miquel Siguan - 1964 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 17:3-7.
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    Metáforas tecnocientíficas en el discurso mediático: análisis hermenéutico e impacto socio-educativo.Elena Jiménez García, Juan R. Coca, Francisco J. Francisco Carrera & Jesús Valero Matas - 2014 - Arbor 190 (769):a171.
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    Nota bibliográfica sobre el dr. Joaquín Carreras Artau.Lluís Cuéllar - 1964 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 17:17-22.
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    Evaluación de satisfacción de los estudiantes sobre las clases virtuales.Isaac Bautista, Giulianna Carrera, Emily León & Daniel Laverde - 2020 - Minerva 1 (2):5-12.
    Las clases virtuales son una modalidad de estudio a distancia que ha sido aplicadas por más de 10 años. Son utilizadas principalmente en universidades para abarcar las necesidades de sus estudiantes que no pueden acceder al sistema presencial. Al encontrarnos en una emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19, la aplicación de las clases virtuales alrededor del mundo se volvió una obligación para precautelar la vida de los estudiantes. Es por esto que la población universitaria tuvo que adaptarse a nuevas condiciones de (...)
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    Apports hispaniques à la philosophie chrétienne de l'occident. Par Joaquin Carreras Artau et Juan Tusquets Terrats. Louvain, Publications Universitaires. Paris, Béatrice-Nauwelaerts, 1962. 206 pages. [REVIEW]Robert Trempe - 1964 - Dialogue 2 (4):489.
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    The Spiritual Logic of Ramon Llull (review).Amador Vega - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1):127-128.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 127 from Adam, and inheriting "real sins" with real "guilt." From his De libero arbitrio onward, Augustine sees that if Adam's is the sin of someone "other" than ourselves, then it is alienum to us, is simply not "our" sin, and we cannot be held "guilty" of it. On the other hand, he is willing to accept that God might fittingly decree that Adam's descendants "inherit" the (...)
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    Inventing tradition and constructing identity: The Genealogy of Umar Ibn Hafsun between Christianity and Islam.David J. Wasserstein - 2002 - Al-Qantara 23 (2):269-298.
    cUmar b. Ḥafṣūm, el famoso rebelde antiomeya del siglo IX, en un momento dado de su carrera hizo gala de una larga y distinguida genealogía que incluía varias generaciones de musulmanes y cuatro de cristianos. En este artículo mantengo que esta genealogía es ficticia y fue inventada con fines políticos. No hay razón por la cual se pueda mantener que es genuina; no contamos con ningún otro ejemplo en todo el mundo islámico, y esta genealogía presenta otros problemas. Las consecuencias (...)
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    George Frost Kennan e a arquitetura da política externa dos EUA na gênese da Guerra Fria.Sidnei J. Munhoz - 2018 - Dialogos 22 (1):26.
    Este artigo analisa a importância do papel desempenhado pelo diplomata George Frost Kennan na elaboração da política externa dos Estados Unidos durante a Guerra Fria. Ao final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, no contexto marcado pelas apreensões relativas às rivalidades globais entre os EUA e a URSS, Kennan recomendou uma estratégia com a intenção de conter as potenciais tendências expansionistas da União Soviética. Em sua consideração, a principal ameaça posta pela União Soviética não era militar, mas sua capacidade de influência ideológica, (...)
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    La Filosofía vasca de Aniceto Olano (1896-1966), alias Miguel de Alzo. Un ejemplo de historiografía nacionalista de la filosofía. [REVIEW]Max Pérez Muñoz - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 108:205-223.
    En 1934, Aniceto Olano (1896-1966), alias Miguel de Alzo, publicó un folleto titulado Filosofía vasca, donde se defiende la existencia de una filosofía nacional para Euskal Herria. Esta obra debe estudiarse como un ejemplo de la historiografía nacionalista de la filosofía, paralelo a los casos de la filosofía nacional alemana, francesa, polonesa, etc. En la península Ibérica, encontramos los precedentes de la filosofía nacional española (Menéndez y Pelayo), la filosofía nacional andaluza (Federico de Castro) y la filosofía nacional catalana (Torras (...)
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  26. Response to Tucker on hiddenness: J. L. SCHELLENBERG.J. L. Schellenberg - 2008 - Religious Studies 44 (3):289-293.
    Chris Tucker's paper on the hiddenness argument seeks to turn aside a way of defending the latter which he calls the value argument. But the value argument can withstand Tucker's criticisms. In any case, an alternative argument capable of doing the same job is suggested by his own emphasis on free will.
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    (1 other version)The logical works of J. Łukasiewicz.L. Borkowski & J. Sŀupecki - 1958 - Studia Logica 8 (1):7-56.
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    The Language of Morals.J. Kemp - 1954 - Philosophical Quarterly 4 (14):94-95.
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    The cinema as a tool in teaching Psychiatry.Pablo Hernández Figaredo & Frankel Peña García - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (1):244-265.
    Se realizó una investigación cualitativa para comprobar la utilidad del cine como apoyo a la docencia en la asignatura de Psiquiatría del quinto año de la carrera de Medicina en tres subgrupos de estudiantes de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas "Carlos J. Finlay" de Camagüey. La muestra ascendió a 43 estudiantes de ambos sexos y diferentes nacionalidades, a quienes se les realizaron entrevistas individuales grabadas en audio, explorando criterios personales tras haber presenciado un grupo de películas previamente escogidas por abordar (...)
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  30. Aristotle's Definitions of Psuche.J. L. Ackrill - 1973 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 73:119 - 133.
    J. L. Ackrill; VIII*—Aristotle's Definitions of Psuche, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 73, Issue 1, 1 June 1973, Pages 119–134,
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  31. (6 other versions)Utilitarianism.J. S. Mill - 1987 - In John Stuart Mill (ed.), Utilitarianism and other essays. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Penguin Books.
  32. (1 other version)Truth by Convention: A Symposium by A. J. Ayer, C. H. Whiteley, M. Black.A. J. Ayer, C. H. Whiteley & M. Black - 1936 - Analysis 4 (2/3):17 - 32.
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    The philosopher's Touchstone: Towards pragmatic unity in educational studies.J. C. Walker - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 19 (2):181–198.
    J C Walker; The Philosopher’s Touchstone: towards pragmatic unity in educational studies, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 19, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, P.
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    Contradictory Information: Better Than Nothing? The Paradox of the Two Firefighters.J. Michael Dunn & Nicholas M. Kiefer - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson (eds.), Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 231-247.
    Prominent philosophers have argued that contradictions contain either too much or too little information to be useful. We dispute this with what we call the “Paradox of the Two Firefighters.” Suppose you are awakened in your hotel room by a fire alarm. You open the door. You see three possible ways out: left, right, straight ahead. You see two firefighters. One says there is exactly one safe route and it is to your left. The other says there is exactly one (...)
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    Error and the Will.J. L. Evans - 1963 - Philosophy 38 (144):136 - 148.
    Throughout the history of philosophy there has been a sustained interest in the concepts of knowledge, truth and meaning; interest in the concepts of error, falsity and nonsense, on the other hand, has been intermittent and spasmodic. Error, for example, has suffered at the expense of knowledge to such an extent that sometimes its very existence has been denied, or it has been explained away as being merely the absence of or privation of knowledge; many theories of truth are so (...)
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    Entropy in Relation to Incomplete Knowledge. K. G. Denbigh, J. S. Denbigh.Michael J. Zenzen - 1986 - Philosophy of Science 53 (3):451-452.
  37. Malthus on Colonization and Economic Development: A Comparison with Adam Smith*: J. M. Pullen.J. M. Pullen - 1994 - Utilitas 6 (2):243-266.
    Malthus did not leave us with a systematic treatment of colonization, but from remarks scattered throughout his publications and correspondence it is possible to assemble a fairly coherent account of his views on the advantages and disadvantages of colonies, and on the reasons why some have failed and others succeeded. Included in these scattered remarks are some comparisons between his own views on colonies and those of Adam Smith. The question of the relationship between Malthus and Adam Smith is a (...)
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    G. W. KASTEIN, Eine, Kritik der Ganzheitstheorien. Acad. Dissertatie. Leiden, J. Ginsberg, 1937.J. H. Diemer - 1939 - Philosophia Reformata 4 (4):249-256.
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    The Commentary of Father Monserrate, S J., on His Journey to the Court of Akbar.J. S. Hoyland - 1923 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 43:348.
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    An Account of Tibet; The Travels of Ippolito Desideri, S. J., 1712-1727.J. K. Shryock & Filippo de Filippi - 1932 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 52 (4):400.
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    J P Oberholzer: ’n Waardering.D. J. C. Van Wyk - 1992 - HTS Theological Studies 48 (1/2).
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  42. Rose, H. J., A Handbook of Latin Literature.C. J. Prescott - 1936 - Classical Weekly 30:267-268.
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    Freedom's Embrace.J. Melvin Woody - 1998 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    To be free is to escape all limitations and obstacles—or so we think at first. But if we probe further, we discover that freedom embraces its own necessities, a set of conditions without which it could not exist. _Freedom's Embrace_ explores these necessities of freedom. J. Melvin Woody surveys competing conceptions of freedom and traces debates about the nature and reality of freedom to confusions about knowledge, humanity, and nature that are rooted in some of the most fundamental assumptions of (...)
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    Prof. Dr P.J. Muller as Dogmatikus.B. J. Engelbrecht - 1953 - HTS Theological Studies 9 (3/4).
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    Akratic Compatibilism and All Too Human Psychology: Almost Enough Is Free Will Enough.J. Christopher Maloney - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    J. Christopher Maloney argues that free will is compatible with necessary laws of science and immutable history. For free will emerges from an akratic will that asymptotically approaches the ability to choose to act otherwise than it willfully does.
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    Neuroethics: Dialogue on a continuum from tradition to innovation.J. Illes & E. Racine - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (2):W3 – W4.
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    Thomas Paine: Britain, America, and France in the Age of Enlightenment and Revolution.J. C. D. Clark - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    J.C.D. Clark demythologizes the history of Thomas Paine, understanding the impact he has had on modern human rights, democracy, and internationalism.
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    Abduction and Affordance: J. J. Gibson and Theories of Semiosis.Donald J. Cunningham - 1988 - Semiotics:27-33.
  49. Kendall's Criticisms of J. S. Mill.Gary J. Foulk - 1970 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 51 (3):314.
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  50. Kekes, J.(2002). The Art of Life.M. J. Hannush - 2005 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 36 (1).
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